
Thursday 29 December 2016

Canadian breakfast and my breakfast

    Canadian Breakfast and My Breakfast

My brother was eating bacon
  1.   I eat strawberry jam bread with milk  for breakfast.
  2. I like to eat my breakfast.
  3. Because their breakfast have waffles and cereal.

I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Because when you get up, there was nothing in your tummy and you will fell hungry.So you have to eat some food, but don't eat to much, it's not good too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lance,

    I really like the picture of your brother eating bacon! It reminds me of my sister (Leigh) who lives in Canada. She loves bacon! In fact, we used to eat bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast when I was a little girl living in Canada over the holidays. Sometimes we would also have waffles or pancakes with maple syrup. Yum!!

    I am really happy to read that you like to eat breakfast and that you do your best to eat a really healthy breakfast. That's great! I also believe that it is really important to eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Your body has been starving (or 'fasting') all night and you need to make sure that you eat breakfast in order to 'break' the 'fast.' You also need to be careful that you don't eat too much or else you may feel unwell. Good point!

    Keep up the great work with your blogging, Lance. I am really enjoying your posts!

